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The Primavera English Blog
“Be” or “Have”?
Shana Goodwin
January 17, 2022
Which one is correct: “I have twenty-four years” or “I am twenty-four”? Native Spanish speakers who are learning English often confuse the verbs “be” and “have” when talking about age. This is because in Spanish, the verb “tener” (to have) is used (“tengo veinticuatro años”), so it’s natural to simply translate this into “I have twenty-four years.” Unfortunately, however, this is incorrect. In English, the verb “be” (ser/estar) is used when talking about age: “I am twenty-four.”
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The Difference between “For” and “To”
Shana Goodwin
November 18, 2021
The simplest explanation for knowing when to use “to” or “for” when talking about a reason or function is that “for” is followed by a noun or gerund, and “to” is followed by a verb. Examples: The ciclovía is a great place for walking and biking. The ciclovía is a great place to walk and bike...
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Restroom or Bathroom?
Shana Goodwin
November 8, 2021
Almost all of my students have asked me this at some point: What’s the difference between “restroom” and “bathroom”? When should I use each? The answer is very simple: in my own house, I use “bathroom,” but when I’m in other people’s houses, or in public, I say “restroom.” ...
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How to Use “Since”
Shana Goodwin
October 15, 2021
In my classes with adults, or in my TOEFL prep classes, I often hear students confusing their usage of the words “since,” “from,” and “for.” “Since” is used to express the time duration for an action or state that started in the past and is still continuing in the present. It is used with the present perfect continuous or present perfect simple tenses...
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The Difference between In and On
Shana Goodwin
August 26, 2021
In Spanish, the preposition “en” is used to indicate position in space or time. But in English, there are two prepositions that replace “en”: in and on. It can be difficult to know which one to use when, and although they are often interchangeable, here are a few general guidelines...
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The Difference between Make and Do
Shana Goodwin
July 14, 2021
Use “make” when talking about creating, building, or producing something. Use “do” when talking about work or tasks...
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The Difference Between Later and After
Shana Goodwin
June 18, 2021
After you read this article, you’ll be a pro on how to use these two words. Both “later” and “after” mean “at a time in the future.” But the words are used differently...
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The Difference Between Say and Tell
Jeanette Bazeley
June 8, 2021
The simple way to think of the differences between say and tell is: You say something. You tell someone something...
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Improve English Pronunciation with Tongue Twisters, Part 2
Shana Goodwin
May 17, 2021
Listen to the audio recordings below and practice saying these short tongue twisters to help improve your pronunciation of the English consonants “l” and “r”...
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