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The Primavera English Blog
Word of the Month: Habit (hábito)
Shana Goodwin
January 1, 2022
Happy New Year! We’re expecting great things to happen in 2022, and we’re especially excited about all that our students will achieve this year. One word we talk a lot about at the end of the year and the beginning of the new year is “resolution.” What is a resolution? Basically, it’s the decision to stop a bad habit and replace it with a good one...
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Pizza at Primavera!
Emily Thomson
December 13, 2021
Who doesn’t love pizza? Last Friday evening, we invited our teen students to join us for a pizza party. But what made the event fun was that each student made their own pizza (or pizzas) themselves! This was a great way to practice food and cooking vocabulary, and learn some new culinary skills in the process...
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Word of the Month: Christmas Vocab!
Shana Goodwin
December 1, 2021
As I mentioned in a previous post, I love Christmas, so I couldn’t decide on just one word for December. As a bonus this month, enjoy learning (or refreshing your memory with) the following list of Christmas vocab words!
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The Difference between “For” and “To”
Shana Goodwin
November 18, 2021
The simplest explanation for knowing when to use “to” or “for” when talking about a reason or function is that “for” is followed by a noun or gerund, and “to” is followed by a verb. Examples: The ciclovía is a great place for walking and biking. The ciclovía is a great place to walk and bike...
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Restroom or Bathroom?
Shana Goodwin
November 8, 2021
Almost all of my students have asked me this at some point: What’s the difference between “restroom” and “bathroom”? When should I use each? The answer is very simple: in my own house, I use “bathroom,” but when I’m in other people’s houses, or in public, I say “restroom.” ...
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Word of the Month: Patient
Shana Goodwin
November 1, 2021
What does “patient” mean? Patient is a good word for me in November because I love Christmas and I love birthdays, and both my birthday and Christmas are in December. I always get impatient...
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Trick or Treat!
Michelle Cavanna
October 29, 2021
Last night we hosted a crowd of witches, pirates, princesses, and their parents in an October celebration, the first of its kind here (to my memory). Several families in our neighborhood opened their doors to the young visitors to give them candies or cookies. Many of our young English students stopped by to eat...
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How to Use “Since”
Shana Goodwin
October 15, 2021
In my classes with adults, or in my TOEFL prep classes, I often hear students confusing their usage of the words “since,” “from,” and “for.” “Since” is used to express the time duration for an action or state that started in the past and is still continuing in the present. It is used with the present perfect continuous or present perfect simple tenses...
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Word of the Month: Heavy
Shana Goodwin
October 1, 2021
What does heavy mean? In reality, the word heavy has more than twenty definitions! I only included the most commonly used definitions in this post. In Asuncion in October, the balmy spring weather turns into hot and humid summer, and the air feels really heavy...
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